Thursday, April 16, 2009

Depressed College Kids

A lot of students begin to feel an overwhelming depression while away at college. Some kids lead to excessive sleeping, drug-use and drinking. People begin not to know how to handle the pressures of school and all the intensity that comes along with it. "College students are more likely to experience depression then other age groups," said Jennifer Sisk, social worker. In 2005 a survey was conducted through almost 17, 000 students and it showed that almost 25% felt severely depressed and 21% considered suicide. A lot of students have trouble socially while at school. They question why they don't fit in to certain groups. Others have difficulty in their personal relationships. Students use drugs and alcohol to mask their feelings. Most don't realize they are depressed. Several students visit counceling to share their feelings with someone they can trust without them passing any judgement.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Poor Decisions in the Food and Health Dep.

I didn't really believe that everyone gained 15 pounds when they went away to college. I believe it now. I didn't gain 15 pounds but I got pretty close. Its important that when you gain weight you choose to try and lose it in a healthy way. A lot of girls resort to not eating. Other common excuses are that there is no time to go to the gym or cook a descent meal. Studies show that the rate of eating disorders at colleges is rising. As close as 50-60 percent of students have a eating disorders. 91% of students have attempted to control their weight through dieting. Girls are not the only ones, the numbers for boys are increasing as well. There is a high number of young adults that diet when they have no reason to. They suffer from belief that the typical college student must weigh around 115 pounds. Whether your not eating right or not eating at all, most students don't know the best ways to approach a healthy diet. Its hard to adapt from your homelife to college life and this leads to poor choices when it comes to our food intake or lack of. We must take the extra steps to insure the we are eating right. In the following link is a list of tips to avoid some stress in this department.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bad Bad Tanning Beds

Nowadays, some girls have an extreme infatuation with tanning beds. A lot of guys have even started to show an interest in artificial tanning. I have always been knowledgable of the skin cancers risks. Every year more then 1 millions people are diagnosed with skin cancer. I never thought it necessary to where eye protection in the tanning beds because I've always been pretty good about keeping my eyes closed. They never hurt or felt strained while I was in the tanning bed. Studies show that in a tanning bed your eyes are exposed to 100 times more ultraviolet radiation then if you were out in the natural sun. This can lead to corneal burns, cataracts and in some rare instances retinal damage. Something else I didn't no was that certain medications you take can increase your sensitivity to light. For example, antibiotics, high blood-pressure medications, tranquilizers, diuretics, some birth control pills, and oral diabetes medications.